Saturday, May 22, 2010

can she read?

We had a rare opportunity last night to have Lisa all to ourselves.
She is one of my favorite people in the world....
the reason being that we share the same sense of humor and she makes me laugh.

Lucy and Harry were here spending the night.
As we were going through the bedtime ritual,
I suggested that Lisa might enjoy doing the reading thing.
The "reading thing" consists of anywhere from two to ten books read to a child or children right before the sandman comes.

Lucy was intrigued by Lisa and promptly asked me this question....
"Can she read?'
Well...we cracked up over that not once but several times.

They read three books and Lisa can indeed read very well.
She and Lucy were sitting in my big, comfy chair and they looked so cute I snapped the above picture.

These times are treasures for sure.

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