Friday, May 14, 2010

in case you didn't know

David and Erika are well on their way to presenting us with our fifth grandchild.
This very special little one will be coming to us from Ethiopia.
If God allows, Lucy and Harry will have a brother or maybe a sister sometime in the Fall.

God has provided for this child to be part of our family through acts of amazing generosity.
Some have given much and some have given more than they have. It has been truly amazing to watch and be a part of this process.

This coming Saturday there will be the "mother of all garage sales."
Ferguson Ave. near the Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church is the place.
8:00 AM is the time.
Lucy will be selling lemonade....
(but not at 8:00 ~ I won't be able to get her there that early)

This will be everybody's baby because so many of you have done so much.

with gratitude and love,

1 comment:

Allison said...

wish I could be there to contribute! prayers for a successful sale!