Tuesday, August 24, 2010


An 8:15 appointment this morning with the eye doctor
got me up and going early.

The vein occlusion is still leaking and impairing my sight.
The good physician wants to give me another shot in the eye.
He says that he administers hundreds of them each week with nary a problem. The shot is the best and only hope to treat the malady.

Last time my eye got infected and I almost lost my sight.
That was one of the worst physical ordeals of my life.

What should I do?
Was that a one time freak occurrence or will it happen again?
There are no guarantees in life.
My sight is precious to me.
It might just be a chance I'll be willing to take.
I have until October 4th to decide.

To my sweet, lovely friend Allison.
Our time together over lunch today was so special.
I love how God has brought us together again as friends.
My prayers will follow you as you embark on this new journey.
I am so glad for facebook and blogs so that we can stay in touch.

"Thou, Oh God, dost open Thy hand
and dost satisfy the desire of every living thing"
Psalm 145: 16

1 comment:

Allison Stroud said...

Thank you so much, Cathy! I hope that we can do this again when i'm in town :) I will keep you posted on my friend...still very saddening that she has no hope but so encouraged by our talk!!! Love to you!