Monday, August 16, 2010

once again

Today was a big day for Lucy.
She started Kindergarten!!!!!
My computer will not let me download pictures :(
(It is sick)
so I went back and found a favorite from the past.

This picture embodies all that I love about Lucy.
It captures her free spirit and her love of life.
From the freckles that sprinkle gently across her nose
to her big blue eyes that tell stories all their own.
From her deep, earthy, belly laugh
to her long, dark pigtails.
She is my joy and my love.

I wish you well,
dear one,
as your start to learn
all of the magnificent wonders of God's world.

May you come to know Jesus
at a young age
so that you will always know
His purposes and plans for you.
May the Bible be your favorite book
and time spent with Him
the favorite part of your day.

you are loved......

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