Friday, August 19, 2011

choices to make

Yesterday was a lucy~grammie day.
I e-mailed her this message.....
"You be thinking about where you want to eat lunch."
I already know her favorite places,
so I wasn't surprised when she posted her options....

The Original Pancake house
(breakfast for lunch as we call it)
Red Lobster.

The choice was swift....
Red Lobster.
"We need to go check on the lobsters."

Starting out...
in the car all buckled in,
kids songs CD in the player....
just what you always desire,
a battery that was deader than a doornail.
Erika said that we could use her van so......

move car seats,
get CD out of my player and insert in Erika's van,
transfer lucy's carry-on
get the Dora magnetic doll playset,
and off we go down the driveway
and we are on our way.

I took my camera into the restaurant
to take pictures of the lobsters.
Hours later I realize that my camera is not in the car.
(one of my most prized possessions)

Called Bubba.
Poor guy, he got saddled with the dead battery problem.
He was at Pep Boys
which was close to Red Lobster.
He went there,
He found it,
I rejoiced with gladness.

you've just got to love it!

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