Saturday, July 7, 2007

two little boys

They are here!! They arrived about 11:30 this morning. Bubba and Amanda were amazed at how well the trip went. They made it to Atlanta early this morning, spent a few hours in a hotel and came the rest of the way later this morning. They were all pooped and spent a good portion of the afternoon sleeping.

Jake and Eli are the best. Jake is talking well and calls me "gwammy." Eli is all smiles, a butterball with no hair. Bubba says he has my eyes. I like that!

We took them down to the beach and it started raining. When Jake saw the waves he wanted to leave, but he soon began to love it and cried when he had to get back in the wagon. He came in saying beach over and over. We told him we would go back tomorrow. After his bath and showing, he started begging to go "night - night." What child does that?

Amanda is as skinny as a rail. Her legs look like sticks. We have never seen her so small. She said that she has eaten more today than she has in a long while. Maybe we will fatten her up a little while she is here.

David is camping with his youth group this weekend in Wisconsin. Erika was going too, but she got sick and had to stay home. This was "tent" camping. I personally believe she was spared.

Amanda made her dad oatmeal raisin cookies for the trip, I fixed that good supper I mentioned yesterday, and I have some peanuts to boil. It may take him a while to get over the trip, but believe me he is in "hog heaven."

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