Wednesday, February 24, 2010

some things to say.....

about some things that have already been said.

We still do not have an answer on Blake. He was in Atlanta for tests and bloodwork yesterday. They will have to go back on Friday for a biopsy and final diagnosis. Please continue to pray for this family. This case has stumped the doctors and prolonged the suffering of the "not knowing" kind. I love you guys!!

I finally identified the source of the lizards in my van. I have been doing work over at my father's house of the cleaning out and throwing away variety.

Evidently all of the lizards in Savannah decided to "winter" in his garage. Up on a shelf was a manila envelope full of paper towels that I decided needed to be in my van for some strange reason.

The two giant lizards that ended up ruining the last two days of my life had taken up residence in said envelope. I can't tell you how many times I manhandled that envelope, even getting some towels out for dad to dry off the van and ourselves after we got drenched in the rainstorm going to the doctor. The "twins" were still tucked cozily I said yesterday, what you don't know can't hurt you.

This afternoon I saw a lizard having a field day in one of his flowerpots. Oh my....I must be constantly vigilant in the future.

A few days ago I posted about my prayer for all of you. What is important about that prayer is that it pertains to our spiritual needs. We all are guilty of only praying for physical needs like healing etc. Paul was an amazing, godly man and his prayer model in Ephesians 1 is for our hearts to know God.

Somebody is hacking into my blog and is leaving crazy messages. I try to keep them deleted, but it keeps happening. Offer me help if you have a solution.


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