Tuesday, June 3, 2008

examine yourselves continued

This morning I wrote from JC Ryle's book, four special evidences of the true Christian's relation to God. Please be sure to read first.

The first one stated that true Christians are led by His Spirit.

God's children know without a doubt that His Spirit is in them. He leads and guides with God's word as His standard. He will always instruct you in the way of righteousness. The believer knows a sense of well-being that He is being led along by God's Spirit. The Spirit will always point you to Scripture as you make decisions and travel along the pathways of life.

If it doesn't match up to Scripture, it's not the Holy Spirit telling you what to do.

One special way that the Spirit works in us is that the true believer has a longing for God's word and the truths that it holds. This person has a genuine seeking heart. This believer does not have to have a college degree to understand the Scripture. He just cries out to God and He will bless him with knowledge.

Secondly, true believers have the feelings of adopted children toward God their Father.

A believer has been transferred from the the kingdom of darkness headed up by Satan himself to the glorius Kingdom of light belonging to God Almighty! He has not only reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ's blood, but He has actually adopted us as His own dear children. If we are true believers, we think of Him as our Father. God is an all good Father who loves us perfectly. He gives us good gifts and He disciplines us to righteousness. Best of all we can trust Him unequivocally.

Thirdly, true Christians have the witness of the Spirit in their consciences.

The Spirit will let a true believer know by God's word when he is sinning. That is why we have to read the Bible every day so that we know what it says. The Spirit will also agree with our Spirit about the true believer's relationship with God. Because of God's Spirit within us we can know without a doubt we are His true adopted children.

Lastly, all of the true sons of God will take part in Jesus' suffering.

Jesus did not die a gruesome death on the cross so that we wouldn't have to experience any suffering while on this earth. All of the trials and tribulations of this life are given to true believers for our spiritual growth. It takes the hard times and the suffering to make us desire the things of God.

If we are real Christians we will suffer in this life, but not to fear. The Holy Spirit will lead us through and you will know for sure that He is with you. Keep in mind always........... the Holy Spirit is God Himself.

O to be more like Christ....to be ready when the clouds break open to reveal the Son of Glory.

All of us need to examine our hearts, friends and family. I want us to be able to enjoy heaven together.

Love, Cathy

PS The headings are JC Ryles - the writings are mine.

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