Thursday, June 5, 2008

full time grandparents

One is never quite prepared for the intensity of caring for babies and toddlers. They demand your undivided attention and they get it willingly and gratefully.

I like to study their faces as they play. They are so focused on what they are doing. They memorize things so easily. Jake learned all of his letters and the sounds they make by watching a video several times.

The Bible reminds us that foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child and that we do well to discipline it out of their hearts. Jake is learning so well what is right and what is wrong. He forgets sometimes, but I can see tremendous progress.

I asked Amanda today how she does it, how she makes it through each day with her sanity intact, but then I think back and remember that I was once where she is today. We attribute it to one thing, God's grace to us one day at a time.

Today I was in the potty room and Jake busted in the closed door saying, "Hi grammy!" I returned the greeting and he ran out leaving the door open. He quickly returned with his "Handy Manny" tool set to fix the pipes at the back of the toilet. He is so happy all of the time.

Little Eli is doing amazing things.....He loves to eat, he moves at the speed of light, and he just loves Mickey Mouse. He doesn't like to go to bed and his has the sweetest little blond fuzz on his head that I love to smell.

I take it all in. It is such a special time in my life. All of these babies are growing so fast. I don't want to miss a thing.

By eight pm all is quiet. Eli has stopped fussing and Jake has stopped talking about everything under the sun. It is time for us to sleep and rejuvinate because they will be up at first light in the morning.

Rest well Amanda and Mark on your little getaway....your babies are sound asleep.

All I can say is..............."what an amazing gift God has blessed us with."

"Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Light in whom there is no shadow of turning." (a favorite verse of mine I think from the book of James)

"How long do you want to be loved? Is forever enough? Is forever enough? Is forever enough?"
(from a favorite song of mine)

Love, Cathy

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