Saturday, August 22, 2009

the beach bed

This is a picture of the master bed at the condo fully dressed for the day.
Most days it look like this, but every once in a while I leave it unmade.....just to defy those perfectionist tendencies in me.

Perfectionism is a family trait that I inherited and which I have spent about the last about 20 years trying to subdue. It never really goes away, but I keep trying because it is such a joy stealer.

Our friend Bill, the hurricane, made the tide come up very high last night. Our newly restored beach is slowly giving itself back to the ocean. The waves are just beautiful, big, fat rollers with lots of foam. The undertow is bad in these parts, though. Swimmers beware!

I praise God when I look at the ocean. It is His power and His promise that keeps those waves from overtaking the earth........ countless gallons of water that stop at the shore on His command.

God talking about the ocean......"And I placed boundaries on it, and I set a bolt and doors, and I said, 'Thus far you shall come, but no further: and here shall your proud waves stop.' Job 38: 10 & 11

I have one more word to say.....scuppernongs! How can one little round grape give such an amazing burst of deliciousness? Oh to praise His creation more!

Saturday is coming at you quick....enjoy!

News flash addendum at 11:30.......Almost all of the new sand at Tybee is covered now. I have never seen the water up so close to the dunes. Waves are awesome!

News flash addendum at 2:30.........The tide is going out. The flag is now yellow (caution) instead of red (danger.) Water still on the part of the beach that never gets water.

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