Wednesday, August 19, 2009

having a high view of God/my testimony

On Sunday I said I would expound further on this truth so here goes.....
It is the singlemost important doctrine that I can look back on that changed my life.

I was raised in the church (building)
I rarely missed a service or an event.
If the doors were open I was there.

I heard one message over and over.....that Jesus had died for my sins
and that I needed to join the church to become a Christian.

I joined and I was baptised and I attended and I served and I socialized and I sang in the choir and I learned Bible verses and I sat through endless invitations always hoping that the verse we were singing would be the last.

Being a good girl I found myself trying harder and harder to be a good Christian (member of the church.) I've never worked as hard at anything in my life.

But, alas, I was as lost as I could be.
I knew alot about the Bible, but my heart had never been changed.

You know dear friends, that is what the Bible changes your heart.
That is what the Holy Spirit does at the moment of salvation......He changes your heart.

God speaking "And I will give them a heart to know Me.......' Jeremiah 24:7

I had learned about Jesus and Noah and Daniel....
but I had never been taught anything about God.

Praise God that He gave me a heart to know Him and
that He called me to be His in Christ Jesus.
That is why I love to read His word so much.
Each day is a new revelation of His wonders.

I am sorry if I offended anyone about the e-mails that people send out trivializing His name. (No one has said anything but you never know.) Sometimes we just don't think about what we are sending out. There is so much junk out there and I only see such a small part of it, thankfully.

I am glad that as brothers and sisters in Christ we can admonish one another in love without fear. We are God's representatives here on this earth.....Every word we speak or write or send pertaining to Him should honor and glorify His name.

for far to go/so much to learn


ps....Bubba checks behind me pretty much every time I write a blog. Sometimes he encourages me to tone it down or even remove some things. With this one he is in total agreement.

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