Sunday, August 16, 2009

trivializing the Name

of God who is Jesus who is the Holy Spirit.....the Trinity.....three in One.

Later today I will expound on this subject which is the cornerstone of my life in Christ.

It was only when I was confronted with the truth of who God is that I begin to understand His word. His name is not to be trifled with, joked about, or in any way brought dishonor to. His word is not to be mocked, added to, depleted, or in any way dishonored.

Here is that truth:

God is not like us......we are made in His image but we are not like Him. We get into trouble when we bring Him down to our level of thinking. He is the creator.....we are His created.

God said this to us in Psalm 50:21 speaking of us His created.........

"You thought I was just like you."

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