Saturday, June 9, 2007

looking at lightening from eleven floors up....

Last night Frankie had just called to tell me that moma was not doing well....that she seemed to have taken a turn. Even though I expect that call anytime, I don't want to get it. I went to sit on the deck and Bubba soon came out to sit with me.

It was about nine o'clock....just getting dark. The wind got up and God proceeded to put on a most marvelous display. The storm moved from east to west across the city for about 45 minutes and during that time God reminded us that He is in control of all things. He delighted us with the wonders of His creation and He calmed my soul.

The storms of life, they come and go, but with Him nothing changes. I can trust in His will!

Malachi 3:6 "For I, the Lord do not change; therefore you will not be consumed."

What a promise to hold on to.

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