Sunday, January 25, 2009

the joy of reading the things of God

God graciously allowed me to finish reading the book "Total Truth." It was only by His Spirit that I was successful.

I know that it was God's timing for me to read this book at this time because of one short paragraph in the last chapter that spoke directly to my heart regarding the situation I am going through with my extended family.

I just finished writing the book of the Psalms. It was a blessing. I am so comforted and I have gained so much knowledge of our great and mighty God. What will I do tomorrow? Go back to chapter one and start writing it again. I am writing the book of I Kings as well. I retain things so much better when I write them down. After I Kings I want to write the book of John.

I am also reading Martin Lloyd Jones commentary on II Peter. Tonight I read about the "New Earth." You know, God is going to remake the earth back to how it was at the beginning before sin. The Bible says we do not have the capacity to imagine how wonderful it will be.

I write not in boasting.
Our pastor prayed this morning that we would be thrilled when we hear His word.
I am and I want you to be.
When you read the Bible you find out all sorts of amazing and fascinating things.

God made us in His image with a capacity to know Him.
Read as if your life depended on it.

It does......cathy

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