Wednesday, January 28, 2009

lying lips

I have been lied to a lot in the last few months.
Most people, believers and unbelievers, lie with impunity.
Lies come out of the mouth with no thought or shame.
Lying is a way of life.....everybody does harm done.

When someone lies to me it is felt deep down in my hurting place.
When I know they know they are lying to me it hurts even more.
Do they think I am stupid......?

I have told some lies in my time. In the seventh grade I lied to protect a girl who had cheated off of my paper. She wasn't even my friend. The teacher found out and put so much guilt and shame on me that I thought I would never get over it.

I threw my green peas in the bushes and told my parents I had eaten them. I was punished.

I could go on and on, but I will not do that.

I do know that I finally figured out that lying was wrong and that bad things happened when I didn't speak the truth. It was only when I realized how much God hates lying that it had an impact on my life.

Why do people lie? Mostly, I think, for protection of the "self." We think very highly of our "self." We care deeply about our "self." We don't want anything to happen to our "self." And pretty soon our lying becomes habitual and we don't even realize what we are doing.

What does God think of lying?

"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord." Proverbs 12:22

"For they have opened the wicked and evil mouth against me; they have spoken against me with a lying tongue." Psalm 109:2

"................the Lord hates........... a lying tongue." Psalm 6: 16-17

God hates lying. He doesn't mince words about how despicable it is to Him.

If God thinks lying lips are an abomination, shouldn't we think as God thinks?

O God, help me to stop and think about You when I am tempted to lie.......Help me to think about how I am hurting the one I am lying to.

"What ever you do, do it to the glory of God."


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