Tuesday, January 12, 2010

200 more

200 more and the famous sitemeter will hit 30,000.
I want to know who you are.

The old saying goes...."You can't go home again."
Last Saturday we did.
We drove down south to Fayetteville to look at our house on Heirtage Court.
It looked mostly the same, but the black shutters had been painted burgundy
(my most disliked color along with purple)..........
and all of the beautiful windows had been covered with unattractive shades.
David's basketball hoop was still standing though, and Bubba's berm of crepe myrtles was looking good.

Sally and Frankie always called this house the "Federal House."

Tons of memories came tumbling into my heart and mind.
Seventeen years of life were spent there.....mostly good times and happy days.
I miss that house and that life.

Riding around, it was like nothing had changed, but so much has.
Life moves on, children marry, people die, jobs end, and new opportunities emerge.
But, I will always think of that time in Atlanta as very special.

"For Thou art great and doest wondrous deeds;
Thou alone art God.
Teach me Thy way, O Lord;
I will walk in Thy truth;
Unite my heart to fear Thy name.
I will give thanks to Thee,
O Lord my God, with all my heart,
And will glorify Thy name forever." Psalm 86: 10 ~ 12

"Unite my heart" Take away all of the foolishness in my life and cause my heart to seek You and You alone. Everyone and everything disappoints, but You, O God, never do.

Thank You,

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