Thursday, January 28, 2010

first light

I get up early every morning.
It is the best part of my day.
Everything is fresh.
The coffee is hot, and the word of God beckons.

That first, pink strip of light brings the ocean back from the dark night.
Within minutes the sky is a blazing canopy of colors.
The quiet solitude is gone and the new day gets under way.

I read this just now.....

"As for the days of our life,
they contain seventy years,
or if due to strength, eighty years.
Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow;
for soon it is gone and we fly away." Psalm 90:10

A little later the Bible says:

"So teach us to number our days,
that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Life hurts, foolishness abounds.
Lord, in the midst of this,
give us a heart of wisdom that we may present it to You on the day You take us home.

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