Tuesday, March 4, 2008

eli will soon be one

Here is a picture of the cupboards that I mentioned in yesterdayy's post. I have lots more dishes and glasses to fill them up. I will probably squeeze in one more shelf as well.

Today I purchased a white shag 5 by 8 rug at Lowes for $88.00. It will be the centerpiece of the living room around the fireplace. I am so excited to get my decorating juices flowing again.

On Friday of this week our little grandson Eli will turn one. We were hoping to get back to Virginia for his party, but the timing is awful for us. I hope he will understand.

The MRI showed that he has perisylvian polymicrogyria. One side of his brain has a cyst that is inoperable. It is taking up space for the part of the brain that controls his left arm and hand.
He will have therapy(which has already begun) to strengthen and teach him to be able to use that side.

His doctor has said that his case is mild and that he should respond well to therapy. Please keep this little guy and his parents in your prayers. I will give periodic reports on his progress. Of course, their move to Virginia has slowed things down a bit. We are encouraged by the competence and success of the therapists in this area.

God is the one who heals.....in Him I put my trust. God is sovereign over all of the circumstances in our lives. Nothing happens by chance.....it is all a part of His divine design.

By seeking Him in His word and studying His attributes we begin to know Him intimately.....tomorrow I will write about our God who is "all-powerful." Lord willing, of course.

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