Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"He opened their minds"

When the two men on the road to Emmaus made it back to Jerusalem on the evening of Christ's resurrection, they were bubbling over with excitement as they told the other disciples the events of the afternoon......we would say today, "they were running on adrenalin." Their message was simple but profound.....

"The Lord has really risen."

While this dialogue was going on, "Jesus Himself stood in their midst."

Put yourself in this scenario for a moment and think about how you would feel.....

"But they were startled and frightened and thought that they had seen a ghost."

I love the humanness of this story. All of these people had just been through the most nightmarish few days as they watched their dear friend and teacher die the most horrible death right before their eyes.

When they had gone to minister to His body early that very same morning, they found the huge stone rolled away from the tomb where they had buried Him and Jesus' body was nowhere to be seen.

They were indeed frightened and bewildered and scared just as we would have been and then all of a sudden the risen Lord was standing before them.

This is what He said to them, "Why are you troubled and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have."

Then Jesus showed them the scars in His hands and feet.

The Bible says that they still could not believe. They were full of joy and they were marveling at what was taking place, but they still could not believe.

Then, the Risen Lord, the Son of God asked them, of all things, if they had anything to eat. I love this....they gave Him a piece of broiled fish and He ate it before them.

After His hunger was quenched, He explained to them what the Holy Scriptures had to say about about the reason for His coming and that all Scripture had to be fulfilled.

Then and only then:

"He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures."

For all the time they had spent with Him, listening to Him teach, watching Him perform miracles, hearing him pray, eating with Him and fellowshipping with Him...............they didn't understand............not until Jesus Himself taught them about God's purpose for Him from God's word did they finally get it.

Big Point: The only way to know God and His Son Jesus Christ is by reading and studying God's word and hearing it proclaimed.

You don't quite understand all of this about Jesus? Ask Him to reveal the truth to you through God's word of power. He will give you the gift of understanding if you diligently seek Him.

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