Wednesday, March 26, 2008


These tulips were brought to me by my sweet Aunt Jackie. They are sitting next to the very fragrant rosemary plant on my table.......I smell the woodsy scent of the herb all over the house.
The Easter party was an interlude tricking me into thinking that everything was not true.....these boxes were brought in yesterday and the garage is still full.
I am taking my time as there are many other things to do as well....we still have to eat, clothes have to be washed, groceries bought, toilets cleaned, and other's needs met to name just a few.
David has taken a group of seventy-five high schoolers down to FL for this week. The cold snap has made it too cold for the beach and the water parks, but they are still having a good time. I don't envy him.....his shower last night was his first since Saturday morning. They are due back in Chicago on Saturday.
I hope you all read both of the posts about the encounters of Jesus and His disciples after His resurrection. I loved writing those.
I will try later to send some pictures of Jake and Eli in the matching easter outfits that I bought for them. We are having a guest for dinner so it may not happen......but it might/c

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