Sunday, April 27, 2008

explaining my goal

I haven't been able to get the comment yesterday to "see my previously written post" off of my mind. I went to bed with it last night and it was right there this morning when I awoke. By writing I open myself up to scrutiny and that is a good thing.

I would pray that those who are much wiser than I would hold me accountable when I err in the great doctrines of the Bible or when they see me by my words contradicting something that I had previously written. That is what Christians and friends do for one another and for that I am very thankful.

My life is sort of laid bare by my own choosing.....I share because I have been through a lot of hard "stuff" and I want to pass on what I've learned.

I do not see myself as an authority on anything. My desire from post one was to glorify God with my writing. My goal has always been to point others to God's word as the share my joy in the Scriptures and how it has ministered to me over the years.

The Bible instucts me with these verses:

Titus 2:3-5 "Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips, nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sober, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be dishonored."

I was trying to share some of the things that help me and those around me when I don't feel so good....that was the reason I wrote the last blog....not to elicit any sympathy or call attention to myself.

Some women (and men) thrive on talking about their maladies and anything else that displeases them. They are desperate to bring attention to themselves in anyway they can. We have all engaged in some of this activity in our lives, but we should strive as Christians to glorify God and to think more highly of others than we do ourselves.

Not giving ourselves over to our emotions is a very difficult thing to learn, but God in His mercy will help us if we cry out to Him.

" A sober minded woman is a woman who thinks before she speaks and reasons before she acts. She knows when she is being drug around by her emotions and she knows how to check them. When difficult circumstances arise she will be striving to keep herself and her emotions under control and not letting her circumstances overwhelm her."

Discreet Women
Nancy Wilson

The above should be a Christian woman's mission in life.....may we all stive to be this woman in all circumstances with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit and God's daily word in our hearts and minds.

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