Thursday, April 3, 2008

putting on the green

It happens every year about this time. The bare winter branches of the trees start to put on their finery. I watch for it every day, and then all of a sudden they are ready.

Their glorious green leaves up against the brilliant blue sky of April put on a show.

Someone just sent me this in an e-mail:

"God sends us flowers every spring." What a lovely thought. The beauty of God's nature is so amazing.

I spent the morning at the hair salon. When all was said and done I had lowlights put in and two inches taken off and out. My hair is so thick it takes forever for my dear Jucinda to cut it. She also straightens it for me for a whole new look. She is truly a rare find, plus....she makes me laugh and that is tops in my book. I hadn't been since before Christmas so I was long overdue.

Somehow while I was out today I got chilled to the bone. It was rainy and the temp never got up. I had to come home and wrap myself in a "soft & warm" "hede haun" to warm up....that is what David, my son, used to call his baby blanket. Bubba cooked dinner for me and that is always so appreciated.

I like the simple gestures in life....the unexpected things that people do to make life a little easier and to bring a smile to your face.

I am warm now, and nourished, and it's off to bed to read. My current book is "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." I love the narrative of this is beautifully written.

My problem is that I get sleepy very quickly....but that is a good thing. Blessed sleep for a tired body.

night, night, c

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