Wednesday, January 20, 2010

another surgery? you've got to be kidding me.

Now that the steroids have worn off,
I feel like I've been run over with a MACK truck.

Maybe a little better, the doc said just now,
but I have to go back in the morning without eating
in case I need another surgery.

A lot of people ask why to God when situations arise in their life.
We try to think about what God would be thinking.
The bottom line is that we have no way of knowing what God is thinking.
It is insult to Him that we would even try.
His chastening may be for our benefit or for those who live around us.
That is why we have to trust Him unequivocally with our lives.

Please continue to pray and I'll continue to be grateful.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweet Cathy. I am so sorry you are going through this. I'm keeping you in my prayers. I'm praying for Bubba too because he is caring for you and I know it's hard for him to see you this way. Keep us posted!

Margaret (I have an idea for a post when you are feeling better)

cathy said...

Thanks Margaret. I didn't have to have another surgery today as there was a slight improvement.

I'm always open to new ideas.

Thanking you again for the prayers,