Saturday, September 8, 2007

another safe trip

We got home to DC at 9:15 last evening. It took us ten hours. There was a lot of traffic and several bathroom stops. The boys were good, though.....Amanda gave Eli some cough syrup and he just sat in his seat all day making not so much as a peep. Jake has become a well- seasoned traveler. He watched his videos and played with his new motorcycle most of the time.

I had also taken some cough syrup the night before and had to sleep for a while. Amanda drove more than I. We talked and listened to music and picked up things that Jake threw on the floor.

We did get back to "Maurices" for our bar-b-que sandwiches which we ate in the car. Jake got his own medium fries from McDonalds. He ate all he wanted and then dropped them on the floor. That is how he lets us know he is done.

The funniest part of the trip came when we stopped at the Cracker Barrel for dinner. Some piece from under the front of the van had dropped down and had been dragging under the car. As we drove into the parking lot we were making a very loud noise at which many people stopped to stare. One man came over to inform us that something was indeed dragging (as if we didn't already know).

Not knowing what it was or what to do and not wanting to delay our trip (the sun was quickly going down), we chose to drive on home with the problem. We couldn't hear it on the interstate , but when we excited onto our street it was as loud as ever. By the time we got to the parking garage the noise stopped and we figured whatever it was had finally given up and dropped off.

I haven't told Bubba yet. I forgot about it until just now. I hope it wasn't anything very important. It seemed to be made of rubber.

The lovely van that we had detailed a week ago is a "sty" again. that comes when you eat and transport babies on ten hour trips, but at least there are no more "red or purple or green" permanent stains.

God is so gracious to keep us safe on these long journeys and on the short ones too.

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