Thursday, September 6, 2007

would you pray for me?

He said that my dryer is fixed for certain. I hope so.....I enjoyed my time at the beach and after packing the van in the humidity I am worn out. I am at the Thunderbolt library today for one last blog before we leave in the morning.

Please pray for me as I have a great sense of dread about leaving. My mom is starting to do the same things Nana did in the weeks leading up to her death, not eating much and sleeping most of the time.

Bubba thinks I need to get away for a while and I agree, but I want to be here as well. We will enjoy Amanda and the babies in DC for a while and then take her home. Their presense has been such a blessing to us.

We are going to try to go see David and fam in Chicago and then return to DC. These are the plans of man, but God may change those plans at any moment.

For anyone that I have offended, please accept my apology. I am struggling to keep my head above water and have been all summer. If I haven't seemed right, bear with me. I know that God is in control and is carrying me through this seemingly never ending trial. One day it will be over, but it may not be until I get to heaven.

The shadow of death is heavy upon my soul as I continue to walk the halls of the nursing home every day. Dad is weak and just wants me by his side.

My joy is still in God and His word and in those who love me.....Cathy


Anonymous said...

For all the help you are to others you will be blessed. You and your parents are in our prayers.

Kat said...

Wow! A real person! What a relief! I was beginning to think I'd entered the bot zone.

Sounds like you are going through a lot and although I don't know you, I do know the feeling. Will whisper a prayer for the stranger.