Monday, September 24, 2007

what's wrong with cathy?

Probably nothing, but they had to draw two huge vials of blood today at Memorial Hospital to find out. It seems as if my immune system has gone haywire with all of the stress and is making me allergic to everything. We will see what all of that blood has to say. The doctor asked to be sent the results ASAP.

Mom developed a fever this afternoon. We continue to keep the vigil and pray for God's mercy for her and dad at this time.

I went to visit Aunt Dottie on Saturday. The community had put on a low country boil with crab legs for lunch. She was in a great mood and seems to be enjoying her new home. She has gotten into the bingo and has won several prizes. The one who wins the most at the end of the month gets a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart. I am so glad that she has people in her life again.

Bubba, thank you for cooking, grocery shopping, getting my van serviced and cleaned, (you can hardly see the "red stain"), for bearing with me in my weakness.

Frankie, thank you for your constant support, phone calls, and long talks when needed. Your humor helps keep me going.

Everyone who has prayed and encouraged me....thank you as well.

Psalm 112:1 "Praise the Lord! How blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all have to just trust that the
Lord will do what is best for our
loved ones and in his own time.
Hope that you will continue to get
as much rest as possible, that will probably help you to recover more quickly.
I will continue to pray for the family as I know this is not an
easy time.