Tuesday, September 11, 2007


All of the flags around the Pentagon are at half-staff today. It is somewhat eerie just to be here on this day of days.....September 11. We are a stones throw away from the site of the attacks of six years ago. One can see vividly the area that has been since reconstructed. There is a slight variation in the coloring of the stone. I never pass by that I don't remember.

We must always remember (e-member as Jake would say) what happened that day and what has not happened again since that day. I thank President Bush for the wonderful job he has done in keeping us safe.......in fighting this war against terror that has made him so unpopular.

People who do what is right are never well-liked. They become the subject of ridicule and scorn.
Think about Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and when he spoke people hated Him and cried out for Him to be put to death.

Life has gone back to normal in this city that carries on the work of our nation. We all got up this morning and went about our daily routines.

There was a brief exchange last night between Bubba and Amanda and I of whether we should get out of town today "just in case." Then we laughed and said, "no way." We will not be scared away. Our days are numbered by God and we will enjoy our days until our number comes up.

In the meantime let us "pray for those who have authority over us." And when it comes time to vote, let us be very careful who we vote to be in authority over us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This day will forever be like
the day that Pres. Kennedy was killed,most people will always
remember where they were and what
they were doing when the first
plane crashed into the tower.