Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I knew it was coming.........I had suspected it for months. Amanda confessed this morning that she likes my funny blogs more than my serious blogs.

I just have to say that all of my blogs cannot be funny....what about the other readers who enjoy the serious blogs more than the funny ones?

Just for the record....sometimes I just don't have any "funny juice" running through me, and believe me, I cannot conjure up "funniness."

Usually when I sit down to write I don't know if any humor will come.....if it does come, it comes naturally. Unnatural humor is not in the least bit funny.

Amanda also gets very upset if my blogs don't come until late. Now late for me has to be before nine o'clock because I go to bed just after that.....I'm just joking Amanda.....I love that you love my blog!

The truth of the matter is that I blog from my heart....what's in there comes out. Sometimes I probably share too much, but it somehow helps me to put thoughts into words. Thank you for reading.

Bubba and I just walked over to the mall to grab a burger at "Johnny Rockets." We have eaten in many of these over all the years of our travels, but the one here in DC, just a hop, skip, and a jump away, has a sign that reads, "Cathy Eats Here." I think it's a "sign." I always have.

I am rested, feeling much better, mentally stable, and tomorrow we leave to go back to Savannah. I pray that I can maintain my minute at the time.

Amanda will be proud...nothing serious tonight. By the way, what do you prefer??


Anonymous said...

I like the mixture, but as you say
no one can be funny all the time.
I also very much like the Bible verses.
Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

I do declare, no Thursday blog,
what is this world coming too!!!!!!