Thursday, November 8, 2007

good frosty morning

The trip took thirteen hours. We arrived at the Warwick House just before 9:00 pm. I can't say that it was a bad trip......we talked alot and the time went by quickly.

Our foray into the town of Goldsboro, NC, added a couple of hours onto our trip. I was excited to stop because I figured there would be tons of antique stores for me to browse while Bubba was attending to his "business."

"Historic downtown Goldsboro" was touted on all of the signs. I thought I had arrived at "hog heaven." On further inspection my hopes were dashed as there was not even one good shop to explore. The best I could do was a thrift shop filled with every awful thing that you see at the worst of the worst of garage sales.

I did enjoy my walk and I was amazed to see so many "thai" and "sushi" restaurants. What exactly is going on in "historic downtown Goldsboro?"

Bubba will talley the exact milage of our circuitous trip and I will report that later. It was such an amazing journey until I got to Savannah. I'm praying that one day that situation will be resolved if only in my mind. Maybe at a later time I will be able to write about what so frequently "lays me low," but not now." I do appreciate all of your prayers.

All grandbabies except for Eli have fallen ill in the last few days. All mommies are homebound and going "stir crazy." I remember those days so well. My only advice is to enjoy their "stillness" and hold them close. When they are well they never slow down or stop talking........this too will pass.

Harry has his first laser treatment today....please pray for the precious little guy.

Bubba just passed through and asked if I would blog again today......I told him I didn't know if anything would happen that would be "blogworthy." I guess we'll just have to see.

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